For a weekend in May, the Swedish Society for Philosophical Practice (SSFP) invites you to take part in a community of inquiry investigating this theme through workshops and dialogue. We aim for an informal, intimate, learning-by-doing conference by practicing and reflecting together in and on workshops.
Keywords for this conference are inspiration, insight, and community.
Kommentarer av Filoprax
#8 ”Medborgarlön – ja eller nej?”
Ännu fler tankar: Vi ses 17/1 :)
#2 Rättrådighet / justice ∙ dikaiosyne ∙ iustitia
Spellistan klar:
Några punkter om vardaglig människo-enteleki
Mmm, jag med ...
Några punkter om vardaglig människo-enteleki
Jaa! :)