Somatic Philosophy IV – Alica
[Podcast] I’m thinking about something David Hawkins wrote – that we go from perfection to perfection. We may think…
[Podcast] I’m thinking about something David Hawkins wrote – that we go from perfection to perfection. We may think…
Miriam van der Valkkontakt @ filoprax.se Towards a Philosophy of What to Wear: On Clothes and Dressing as Practices…
Download as PDF: OnTheBenefitsOfPhilosophicalCoaching Miriam van der Valk kontakt@filoprax.se I remember the last session with my therapist – instead of…
Event: The Good Life in the Global Context: On Martha Nussbaum’s Account of Human Capabilities. An interactive lecture on a…
Evenemang: Såhär såg det ut när SSFP annonserade uppmärksammandet av … Världsfilosofidagen 2016 Tema: Vänskap I år…
Kåseri: 14th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: 21 små betraktelser 1. Jag skulle träffa min värdinna på Bern Centralstation…