[Dialogue for Youtube]
Katja Nurminen of Ignite Communication and Coaching writes as follows on her facebook page, 6 May 2020:
This morning I dove into a lovely conversation with my dear friend Miriam and now I get to share our co-creative and philosophical adventure into brave and bold thoughts with you all.We set out to have a conversation that is ”worth having” and wanted to imagine and envision the world we would like to emerge from this shift. This is part of my interview series into Hope, Humanity and Change Skills – all the other parts are in Finnish though, but maybe there will come further convos in English too. What I would most love, would be a multi-lingual conversation with Miriam, in Finnish, Swedish, German and English, as we might normally communicate with each other that way, but for such fireworks the audience would be small, or at least I would need to look into the technical sweets of subtitling. If you have ideas on topics you would like Miriam and I to discuss next time. Like Miriam says in the video, the world we are dreaming about is actually already here – it’s not dangerous anymore to embrace your beautiful, weird, most-unlovable self.

Watch Katja Nurminen and Miriam van der Valk Imagining and Co-creating the Future here.
Kommentarer av Filoprax
#8 ”Medborgarlön – ja eller nej?”
Ännu fler tankar: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/08/virtual-reality-religion-robots-sapiens-book Vi ses 17/1 :)
#2 Rättrådighet / justice ∙ dikaiosyne ∙ iustitia
Spellistan klar: https://open.spotify.com/user/professormiriam/playlist/0QXnyFfykMg4JeECEWxlAa
Några punkter om vardaglig människo-enteleki
Mmm, jag med ...
Några punkter om vardaglig människo-enteleki
Jaa! :)