Humans, one might poetically assert, are the only species that can choose to refuse their flower.
We are gardens.
The soil and the seasons, the climatic conditions of our individual landscapes … It varies. Suddenly – mid-conversation – I had the idea that the ego is the gardener. You know, the “ego,” or the “self with a small s” that most wisdom traditions recommend that we try to, well, to subdue a little. I imagined an ego gardener like that, spraying and pulling, or cursing the weather, heart contracted. Vision blocked to show only repetitions of the same, traumatic theme: something is wrong with me.
The ego is a child, says Eric. We need to tread lightly. Be kind. It just can’t see properly right now. Can’t see flourishing. So what we do is … we see. I see you; you’re fine, and I’m fine, and we’re fine. It’s not identification, but a connection between subjects.
See what I mean?
Eric Windhorst is a registered psychotherapist, educator, writer, and (re)searcher having just defended his PhD dissertation at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, in the field of social and cultural health studies. Eric’s dissertation explores how gifted adults experience ecological self (i.e., nature connectedness)—and how such experiences relate to both mental health and pro-environmental behavior. Eric also operates a nature-infused counseling & coaching practice and is an adjunct professor of geography and environmental studies. See ericwindhorst.ca.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Vignette jingle by Gregory Hovnanian Weber
A problem, says Eric, is not to be solved. It is to be dissolved, and transcended.
A moon reflects the light of the sun.
Full or fragmented; all of its phases inform navigation.
Do you want to talk about your moonness with a philosophical coach?
Write to Miriam at kontakt @ filoprax.se.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Psst! Find all episodes of this series under the tab Filoprax’ Articles and Podcasts.
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Kommentarer av Filoprax
#8 ”Medborgarlön – ja eller nej?”
Ännu fler tankar: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/08/virtual-reality-religion-robots-sapiens-book Vi ses 17/1 :)
#2 Rättrådighet / justice ∙ dikaiosyne ∙ iustitia
Spellistan klar: https://open.spotify.com/user/professormiriam/playlist/0QXnyFfykMg4JeECEWxlAa
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